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Getting started

Our API for Easy PV and Heatpunk is open, and we welcome developers working on new integrations for CRMs, job management platforms and other applications. If you have an application that you would like to connect please give us a shout - we'd be really happy to help.

Sandbox access

If you are developing an integration with another application we can give you access to our sandbox environment. Please ask for details. In all the examples we give here we use the live API at the domain; to use the Easy PV sandbox simply change this to

We use the same underlying platform for Heatpunk, and almost all the endpoints we refer to here will also work for Heatpunk (we'll make clear if not). For Heatpunk, use for the live environment, and for the sandbox.

Documentation and testing

Documentation for the API is at and

You can test calls from the documentation itself. It will also give example CURL calls which you can test from a command line. Platforms such as Postman or Hoppscotch are also very useful for development of an API integration.

Generating an API key

Most API endpoints that we make publicly available can only be accessed through a 'pro' team API key. For 'Pro' team owners and admins please login and go to your 'Pro account settings' dashboard, then click on the 'CRM connections' tab. Click on the 'Generate key' button to create an API key.

It is very important that you keep the API key secure. Anyone who gains access to it will be able to access and change all data for the users in your team, including customer names and addresses. We recommend it is only used for server-server requests, and stored as an environment variable and kept out of git repositories. If you wish to keep a backup of the key, use a secure password manager.

Note that we don't keep a record of the key. If you lose it, you will need to generate a new one for your application.

If you are developing an application just for one company, you will only need to generate one key. If you have a platform that many companies use, every company will need to generate their own key and save it to their account on your platform.